"We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck." How does this sentence set up the novel?
This sentence sets up the novel by telling the readers that the technology in "their" time is way more advance. It seems like the characters in the novel been to the moon many times and it just sucks for them now. For example on page 4, "the moon was just like it always is, after your first few times there" Did you happen to see the "first few times" part in that sentence. THEY BEEN THERE MORE THAN ONCE! If it was me i wouldn't say that i would be like, "HOLY S WORD IM GOING TO THE GOD DIZZAMN MOON!!!!!" Like forreal who doesn't want to be on the moon? I always wanted to put my footprint next to that one american guy's.Was it Lance? Neil Armstrong? But that's not the point the point is the moon is a place that people should be happy to go and not be like "man the moon is null unit.....gosh im sooo null let's go to Mars."Another good example said in the book is also again on page 4, "there's just the rockiness, and the suckiness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit" So this kinda reminds of a dumpster? So im guessing it was a good place until someone broke all their "shit" , made it ugly and a place where craters are filled with broken shits.
What technological innovations/futurtistic technology examples are present in this story?
Some futuristic techology they have in the book are the "FEED",Flying Cars, and Staff made of crystalline substance. Lets first start this off by talking about the "feed", like seriously who wants a chip implanted in their skull. That seem like it really effin hurts a whole damn lot. The "feed" is basically internet in your head with no firewall to block those adds. If the feed did exsist then earth would be a horrible place to live. People can't even READ OR WRITE! I would rather read and write instead of having a chip in my head, even though I hate them both. Now onto the flying cars. I think flying cars would really be awesome because there would be less traffic jam, but you know everything good has something bad with it. What if you were in the flying car and you ran out of gas???? would you go crashing down. LIKE THAT FAT KID! WATCH THE VID. Ok now onto the staff made of crystalline substance. I have nothing much to talk about this one because i think its just retarded and it makes no sense at all to not have regular human to work instead of those whatever you call it.
The girls have to change their hair frequently because the style change.
What does this statment tell us about trends in the novel?
This tells us ,as the readers, that people always have to be "updated" and that the style of hair or "coolness" changes from day to day. The girls follows this "trend" i think because they lack their own style and the feed is controlling them. Telling them what is "hip" and what isn't. For example if i was wearing pumas and the feed was like "THE NEWEST STYLE IS NIKE!" then i would be like "Omg i need those or else i wouldn't be cool" which i think is extremely dumb and makes no sense. -___-
This sentence sets up the novel by telling the readers that the technology in "their" time is way more advance. It seems like the characters in the novel been to the moon many times and it just sucks for them now. For example on page 4, "the moon was just like it always is, after your first few times there" Did you happen to see the "first few times" part in that sentence. THEY BEEN THERE MORE THAN ONCE! If it was me i wouldn't say that i would be like, "HOLY S WORD IM GOING TO THE GOD DIZZAMN MOON!!!!!" Like forreal who doesn't want to be on the moon? I always wanted to put my footprint next to that one american guy's.Was it Lance? Neil Armstrong? But that's not the point the point is the moon is a place that people should be happy to go and not be like "man the moon is null unit.....gosh im sooo null let's go to Mars."Another good example said in the book is also again on page 4, "there's just the rockiness, and the suckiness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit" So this kinda reminds of a dumpster? So im guessing it was a good place until someone broke all their "shit" , made it ugly and a place where craters are filled with broken shits.
What technological innovations/futurtistic technology examples are present in this story?
Some futuristic techology they have in the book are the "FEED",Flying Cars, and Staff made of crystalline substance. Lets first start this off by talking about the "feed", like seriously who wants a chip implanted in their skull. That seem like it really effin hurts a whole damn lot. The "feed" is basically internet in your head with no firewall to block those adds. If the feed did exsist then earth would be a horrible place to live. People can't even READ OR WRITE! I would rather read and write instead of having a chip in my head, even though I hate them both. Now onto the flying cars. I think flying cars would really be awesome because there would be less traffic jam, but you know everything good has something bad with it. What if you were in the flying car and you ran out of gas???? would you go crashing down. LIKE THAT FAT KID! WATCH THE VID. Ok now onto the staff made of crystalline substance. I have nothing much to talk about this one because i think its just retarded and it makes no sense at all to not have regular human to work instead of those whatever you call it.
The girls have to change their hair frequently because the style change.
What does this statment tell us about trends in the novel?
This tells us ,as the readers, that people always have to be "updated" and that the style of hair or "coolness" changes from day to day. The girls follows this "trend" i think because they lack their own style and the feed is controlling them. Telling them what is "hip" and what isn't. For example if i was wearing pumas and the feed was like "THE NEWEST STYLE IS NIKE!" then i would be like "Omg i need those or else i wouldn't be cool" which i think is extremely dumb and makes no sense. -___-