The fish is the character I am going to talk about from the book "Cat in the Hat". I think the fish would best fit under the category of Superego. The fish wouldn't fit under Ego or Id because the fish always tells the kids to tell the cat to go away so that the house would be clean when their mom gets back from where ever she went.The fish ism also seen as a babysitter for the kids while the mom is out. This is why i think that the fish would best fit under the category of Superego and not the other two.
An example of this is through the fish's speech. In the beginning on page 11, when the cat first came into the kid's house, the fish says to the kids that "No! No! Make that cat go away! Tell the Cat in the Hat you do NOT want to play. He should not be about. He should not be here, When your mother is out!" This shows that the fish feels responsible or in charge of the kids when their mother is out and he doesn't want them to allow the Cat in the Hat to come in the house and ruin it for their mom. It also shows that the fish wants to follow the rule that was already set by the kid's mother. The rule is that the house has to be clean when the mom isn't home. Another example of this is through the fish's effects on other people. On page 25, the fish says "...You SHOULD NOT be here when our mother is not. You get out of this house!" The fish plays a role that is simliar to a cop or a babysitter. He makes sure everything is in place or in check for the kids. Even though he does so no one seems to care until the end when everything is already messed up.
"No! No! Make that cat go away! Tell the Cat in the Hat you do NOT want to play. He should not be about. He should not be here, When your mother is out!" This example shows that he feels like an "adult" and feels responsible for everything the kids do to the house. This is why he wants the kids to get rid of the cat. "...You SHOULD NOT be here when our mother is not. You get out of this house!" This quote shows that the fish is kind of playing a role of a cop or a babtsitter. He wants the house to be clean and spotless when their mom gets back from where ever. After many times of yelling at the cat and kids they finally listen. By this time the house is messy already.
The fish is an Superego character who wants to always follow the rules. Through out the whole book, he spends most of his time telling the kids to tell the Cat in the Hat that they do not want to play and he should get out of their house. He thinks of everyone around them and therefore that is why i think he is Superego and not Ego or Id.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Persep. Blog Numero Dos
Discuss the role and importance of religion in Persepolis. How does religion define certain characters in the book, and affect the way they interact with each other? Is the author making a social commentary on religion, and in particular on fundamentalism? What do you think Satrapi is saying about religion's effect on the individual and society?
Religion is highly valued in their society. If people are religious, they have a higher rank and more say in the society unlike those who don't give an eff about their religion or the new regime. The people who didn't follow the regime were looked down upon and didn't have a lot of say. The people that were religious reminds me of the little rich kids in high school. The non religious people are like a group of outcasts (no one cares about them). Those who were in support of fundamentalism were highly respected by society and the soldiers didn't care much about them. On the other hand, soldiers were being dicks toward the modern people. People in the society don't give a shit about non religious individuals. The religious people are cared about.
"Every situation has an opportunity for laughs." (p.97) Give some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoy a life despite the oppressive regime. What made you laugh? How does Satrapi add comic relief? How are these scenes relevant to the story as a whole?
Some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoyed life is by celebrating and throwing parties. I laughed because they are either having fun while partying or depressed when they aren't partying which I think is pretty sad because they can't use their non partying times to do something else since there is a war going on. She uses comics so that the story isn't completely depressing so people would laugh like "ha ha. That's very funnay." Comic relief makes the story more enjoyable so that people would continue reading and not stop from time to time.
At the core of the book is Marji's family. What is this family like? What is important to Marji's parents? What environment do they create for their daughter despite living under an oppressive regime and through a brutal, prolonged war? From where do they get their strength?
Marji's family weren't exactly close bonded in the beginning of the book. However, as the story progresses, they become stronger and closer as a family. The most important thing to Marji's parents was her safety. For example, Marji's parents wouldn't allow her to go to demonstrations no matter how much she begged, since they were dangerous. In addition, at the end, they got Marji a passport and wanted her to go to Austria so that she'd be safe and away from the war that was happening in Iran. Marji's parents did the best they could to provide for her. I think they get their strength from their loved ones.
Religion is highly valued in their society. If people are religious, they have a higher rank and more say in the society unlike those who don't give an eff about their religion or the new regime. The people who didn't follow the regime were looked down upon and didn't have a lot of say. The people that were religious reminds me of the little rich kids in high school. The non religious people are like a group of outcasts (no one cares about them). Those who were in support of fundamentalism were highly respected by society and the soldiers didn't care much about them. On the other hand, soldiers were being dicks toward the modern people. People in the society don't give a shit about non religious individuals. The religious people are cared about.
"Every situation has an opportunity for laughs." (p.97) Give some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoy a life despite the oppressive regime. What made you laugh? How does Satrapi add comic relief? How are these scenes relevant to the story as a whole?
Some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoyed life is by celebrating and throwing parties. I laughed because they are either having fun while partying or depressed when they aren't partying which I think is pretty sad because they can't use their non partying times to do something else since there is a war going on. She uses comics so that the story isn't completely depressing so people would laugh like "ha ha. That's very funnay." Comic relief makes the story more enjoyable so that people would continue reading and not stop from time to time.
At the core of the book is Marji's family. What is this family like? What is important to Marji's parents? What environment do they create for their daughter despite living under an oppressive regime and through a brutal, prolonged war? From where do they get their strength?
Marji's family weren't exactly close bonded in the beginning of the book. However, as the story progresses, they become stronger and closer as a family. The most important thing to Marji's parents was her safety. For example, Marji's parents wouldn't allow her to go to demonstrations no matter how much she begged, since they were dangerous. In addition, at the end, they got Marji a passport and wanted her to go to Austria so that she'd be safe and away from the war that was happening in Iran. Marji's parents did the best they could to provide for her. I think they get their strength from their loved ones.
Persep. Blog 1
Written as a memoir, is Persepolis more powerful than if Satrapi had fictionalized the story? Why or why not? Compare this book to other memoirs you have read. What are the benefits and drawbacks of memoirs?
Persepolis gives off a more powerful message since it is a memoir and isn't fictionalized. Memoirs actually tells the reader what has happened is true and took place in history. Fictionalized stories on the other hand are created by one's imagination. Therefore, it sends a message that it is not as strong. I haven't read any other memoirs before this one, but I think the benefits of a memoir is that people who have been through the same shit can relate to it. Drawbacks of it is that the story is not as exciting as a fictional story. For example, in a fictional story, if you throw a freggin grenade, the person can fly like high as heck in the air and the gernade will explode beneath them and they will survive. However, in real life, a person does not have the power to fly and hover over a gernade explosion and survive, plus whoever witnesses this would be traumatized.
They would probably have a hard time with their daily life after what they've seen.
How is Persepolis organized and structured? What has Satrapi chosen to emphasize in her childhood? How is the passage of time presented? Describe Satrapi's drawings. How do the drawings add to the narrative of the story?
Persepolis is structured as a graphic novel. It's basically a very long comic book. Satrapi chose to include the part of her life during the Islamic Revolutionin her graphic novel. I think she chose it because it had a major impact on her childhood. The passage of time is presented during the first few pages of the novel. On page 3, it says the revolution took place in the year 1979. Satrapi's drawings makes this story very simple and easy to understand for slow people. The drawings explain things that the words do not. For example, there are images of people being tortured. It is not exactly explained how people are tortured, so the visuals help people see what exactly happens to the people that are arrested. I personally have not done anything like this but if I were to write a graphic novel, I'd probably put a very important time of my life in there also.
Describe the writer's voice. Is it appealing? Which aspects of Marji's character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the little girl affect your reading experience.
The writer's voice is very strong and confident. However, this often gets her into trouble. For instance, on page 8, she told her teacher and classmates that when she grows up, she wants to be a prophet. This made the teacher believe that she was disturbed and talked to her parents. I liked her the most when she was younger because she was so curious and very random. But, as she grew older, she learned more and it just wasn't the same. I, myself, understand that when we grow older we change, but I still liked her better when she was younger. I didn't really have a reaction to the little girl. I just didn't care. I just thought the book looked cool since people were being tortured so I read it.
Persepolis gives off a more powerful message since it is a memoir and isn't fictionalized. Memoirs actually tells the reader what has happened is true and took place in history. Fictionalized stories on the other hand are created by one's imagination. Therefore, it sends a message that it is not as strong. I haven't read any other memoirs before this one, but I think the benefits of a memoir is that people who have been through the same shit can relate to it. Drawbacks of it is that the story is not as exciting as a fictional story. For example, in a fictional story, if you throw a freggin grenade, the person can fly like high as heck in the air and the gernade will explode beneath them and they will survive. However, in real life, a person does not have the power to fly and hover over a gernade explosion and survive, plus whoever witnesses this would be traumatized.
They would probably have a hard time with their daily life after what they've seen.
How is Persepolis organized and structured? What has Satrapi chosen to emphasize in her childhood? How is the passage of time presented? Describe Satrapi's drawings. How do the drawings add to the narrative of the story?
Persepolis is structured as a graphic novel. It's basically a very long comic book. Satrapi chose to include the part of her life during the Islamic Revolutionin her graphic novel. I think she chose it because it had a major impact on her childhood. The passage of time is presented during the first few pages of the novel. On page 3, it says the revolution took place in the year 1979. Satrapi's drawings makes this story very simple and easy to understand for slow people. The drawings explain things that the words do not. For example, there are images of people being tortured. It is not exactly explained how people are tortured, so the visuals help people see what exactly happens to the people that are arrested. I personally have not done anything like this but if I were to write a graphic novel, I'd probably put a very important time of my life in there also.
Describe the writer's voice. Is it appealing? Which aspects of Marji's character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the little girl affect your reading experience.
The writer's voice is very strong and confident. However, this often gets her into trouble. For instance, on page 8, she told her teacher and classmates that when she grows up, she wants to be a prophet. This made the teacher believe that she was disturbed and talked to her parents. I liked her the most when she was younger because she was so curious and very random. But, as she grew older, she learned more and it just wasn't the same. I, myself, understand that when we grow older we change, but I still liked her better when she was younger. I didn't really have a reaction to the little girl. I just didn't care. I just thought the book looked cool since people were being tortured so I read it.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Final feed project reflection essay
My feed contains a personal helper named "Lucky" who tells me what is good as in what to eat.
Due to my family's income i couldn't afford an upgrade on my feed, I also have a stupid virus on my feed.Since i have a virus there are danger signs that scrolls through my feed telling me I'm in danger.
This is saying that not all families have the money to stay updated with the newest thing out there. Even though people say america is a rich place not everyone who decides to live here is rich. To the outsiders america's identity is that there are rich people there, but it really takes one to live inside the country to know.
The economy is bad because the items are expensive and not a lot of people can afford them.
It then would make it harder for corporations to become bigger and then people would just be like "man that new feed upgrade is sooo expensive eff it i rather stick to the old one." Not knowing that if the proper upgrade is done people can die.(just reffering to the text) For everyday people it would just mean not buying the new things since they are too expensive.Good thing we don't have to die huh? I think it would be ok to resist since you shouldn't be forced to get things you don't want.
I think the media,consumerism, technology, and popular culture does some what shape me.
Without them i wouldn't know where I'll be. Don't you think it shapes us all? Technology is everywhere so i think it helped shaped me. I used the net a lot and sometimes the things on there can influence you. For example the net influenced me to dance more since there are many clips of better dancers out there.
This all makes me who i am today. I have my own habits but there are also others out there with the same habits, so the net lets me see the people out there like me. I wouldn't say I'm different from others even though i am an individual. There are many people out there that are in ways like me.
People in the story would be nothing without the feed since EVERYTHING involves the feed. It would make one feel isolated or alienated. They just wouldn't be able to survive in a world where they are the only one without the feed.
Im not sure why Titus ordered all those pants but i think it was the only thing he could do at the time since everything was sooo fucked up for him. He probably went a little crazy there. Come on the guy was like nude ordering pants -___-.
I think the interlude at the end of the book means that even though they went through all those tough times they will have to just move on. Acting like nothing ever happened they will have to live their life with their feed controlling them.
Due to my family's income i couldn't afford an upgrade on my feed, I also have a stupid virus on my feed.Since i have a virus there are danger signs that scrolls through my feed telling me I'm in danger.
This is saying that not all families have the money to stay updated with the newest thing out there. Even though people say america is a rich place not everyone who decides to live here is rich. To the outsiders america's identity is that there are rich people there, but it really takes one to live inside the country to know.
The economy is bad because the items are expensive and not a lot of people can afford them.
It then would make it harder for corporations to become bigger and then people would just be like "man that new feed upgrade is sooo expensive eff it i rather stick to the old one." Not knowing that if the proper upgrade is done people can die.(just reffering to the text) For everyday people it would just mean not buying the new things since they are too expensive.Good thing we don't have to die huh? I think it would be ok to resist since you shouldn't be forced to get things you don't want.
I think the media,consumerism, technology, and popular culture does some what shape me.
Without them i wouldn't know where I'll be. Don't you think it shapes us all? Technology is everywhere so i think it helped shaped me. I used the net a lot and sometimes the things on there can influence you. For example the net influenced me to dance more since there are many clips of better dancers out there.
This all makes me who i am today. I have my own habits but there are also others out there with the same habits, so the net lets me see the people out there like me. I wouldn't say I'm different from others even though i am an individual. There are many people out there that are in ways like me.
People in the story would be nothing without the feed since EVERYTHING involves the feed. It would make one feel isolated or alienated. They just wouldn't be able to survive in a world where they are the only one without the feed.
Im not sure why Titus ordered all those pants but i think it was the only thing he could do at the time since everything was sooo fucked up for him. He probably went a little crazy there. Come on the guy was like nude ordering pants -___-.
I think the interlude at the end of the book means that even though they went through all those tough times they will have to just move on. Acting like nothing ever happened they will have to live their life with their feed controlling them.
Visual Essay! late as hell sorry ERIN you punk
These images tell a story of how implanting a feed in a human's brain will cause them to become inactive. Eventually this will lead to the consumption of fast foods result in a nation of obese people too fat to stand up on their own two feet. If these people ever have kids(how would they ...ya know have sex????), the children will grow up saying " Well my dad and my mom are fat so its natural for me to be fat" thinking that, they will consider its okay to be lazy and consume fatty foods. That chain will continue until the world is corrupted and ruled by fat people that are too damn lazy to move their damn asses off a chair or some shit like that. Since they are fat, they are unhealthy and they are at a higher risk of death.....stupid right? Then lastly the world would end like BAM! and life would be gone and earth would be ruled by other creatures....I think or maybe not.
The message I'm trying to say is that if people are too dependent on technology they would all become stupid and wouldn't be able to hold a fuckin pencil like Titus's dumbass. The first picture is a normal man working out or being active like everyone should be. The second one is the normal man equipped the chip that would enable to do things with more convenience. The third picture is the picture of the food the lazy people who don't want to cook cause its "too much work" will eat. That will then make everyone end up like the fourth picture, The big fatass guy who can't reach out his stupid hands to get that book.
I chose these images because i think that if life is run by technology the outcome wouldn't be so beautiful like clowns (they are effin scary/ugly).I chose the first picture since it reminded me of a normal man trying to get buff....for the ladies xD. The second one is how i imagined the feed would be like since it is in your head. The third one is the food consumed by lazy people who don't want to cook their own food. The last one is the result with laziness and technology.
I think technology is so far not over used and people are still keeping their bodies healthy and fit.
Which is a very good thing and hopefully the future generations stay this way or else they are headed for self destruction. Technology has influenced me but I'm not sure in what ways. However, I know that technology has influenced me both in negative and positive ways.
The message I'm trying to say is that if people are too dependent on technology they would all become stupid and wouldn't be able to hold a fuckin pencil like Titus's dumbass. The first picture is a normal man working out or being active like everyone should be. The second one is the normal man equipped the chip that would enable to do things with more convenience. The third picture is the picture of the food the lazy people who don't want to cook cause its "too much work" will eat. That will then make everyone end up like the fourth picture, The big fatass guy who can't reach out his stupid hands to get that book.
I chose these images because i think that if life is run by technology the outcome wouldn't be so beautiful like clowns (they are effin scary/ugly).I chose the first picture since it reminded me of a normal man trying to get buff....for the ladies xD. The second one is how i imagined the feed would be like since it is in your head. The third one is the food consumed by lazy people who don't want to cook their own food. The last one is the result with laziness and technology.
I think technology is so far not over used and people are still keeping their bodies healthy and fit.
Which is a very good thing and hopefully the future generations stay this way or else they are headed for self destruction. Technology has influenced me but I'm not sure in what ways. However, I know that technology has influenced me both in negative and positive ways.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Blog numero deux!!!!!

The salad days that Violet refers to are the "Normal" or simpler days,
Where everything wasn't so fancy and advanced. Violet's feed isn't as advanced as the others since she didn't have the money to keep her feed well updated. Also Violet didn't grow up with the "Feed" since she had her feed implanted when she was seven years old, so she knows how it feels like to live without the feed. It refers to the days where trees created the air and the air wasn't from air factories. Also when the clouds were made by the air and not manufactured by a cooperation. The salad days to me would be like a family dinner where you can wear what ever and just eat and not a formal dinner with people dressed in black suits and stuff.
"We enter a time of calamity" (pg.30). What does this mean? Write about your response to it.
"We enter a time of calamity" is saying that they are going to enter a time of bad things like destruction. Ya know like that picture to the left......KABOOOM! then the world is gone. The feed i think is causing all this chaos. If there was never the feed then people wouldn't be so lazy and freggin do something about the earth, but since they have the feed shit, it makes everyone do less work. Dude, like seriously they can't even read and write??? wtf is wrong with mankind. If they don't read or write then sooner or later its just going to die out. That's kinda like if i saw someone with a grenade and i had a chance to stop them and i didn't. That would cause chaos to other people just because i thought it was weird or stupid to stop them. Im not sure if i personally ever had an experience like that before so i wouldn't really know to give an example.
I agree with this that the feed do know what you need before you actually do it, since the feed is in control of everything and knows everything about you and what you do. This reminds me of a
<---- salesmen, who assume you want certain things. Lets see what is a good example......oh ok i got one! Let's say that i was walking downtown and a salesman saw me he would come to me and be like i know you want this bla bla bla because bla bla bla. It would really be useful for bla bla bla. In my head im like "shut the fuck up...Ohmygod" but then I don't say it. Anyways back to the real dizzle (deal), The feed controls you so if you think of anything they would find a bajillion things related to see if you want it. Which would really hurt someone's head if you actually got a bajillion ads going in your head.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Blog Numero Uno

"We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck." How does this sentence set up the novel?
This sentence sets up the novel by telling the readers that the technology in "their" time is way more advance. It seems like the characters in the novel been to the moon many times and it just sucks for them now. For example on page 4, "the moon was just like it always is, after your first few times there" Did you happen to see the "first few times" part in that sentence. THEY BEEN THERE MORE THAN ONCE! If it was me i wouldn't say that i would be like, "HOLY S WORD IM GOING TO THE GOD DIZZAMN MOON!!!!!" Like forreal who doesn't want to be on the moon? I always wanted to put my footprint next to that one american guy's.Was it Lance? Neil Armstrong? But that's not the point the point is the moon is a place that people should be happy to go and not be like "man the moon is null unit.....gosh im sooo null let's go to Mars."Another good example said in the book is also again on page 4, "there's just the rockiness, and the suckiness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit" So this kinda reminds of a dumpster? So im guessing it was a good place until someone broke all their "shit" , made it ugly and a place where craters are filled with broken shits.
What technological innovations/futurtistic technology examples are present in this story?
Some futuristic techology they have in the book are the "FEED",Flying Cars, and Staff made of crystalline substance. Lets first start this off by talking about the "feed", like seriously who wants a chip implanted in their skull. That seem like it really effin hurts a whole damn lot. The "feed" is basically internet in your head with no firewall to block those adds. If the feed did exsist then earth would be a horrible place to live. People can't even READ OR WRITE! I would rather read and write instead of having a chip in my head, even though I hate them both. Now onto the flying cars. I think flying cars would really be awesome because there would be less traffic jam, but you know everything good has something bad with it. What if you were in the flying car and you ran out of gas???? would you go crashing down. LIKE THAT FAT KID! WATCH THE VID. Ok now onto the staff made of crystalline substance. I have nothing much to talk about this one because i think its just retarded and it makes no sense at all to not have regular human to work instead of those whatever you call it.
The girls have to change their hair frequently because the style change.
What does this statment tell us about trends in the novel?
This tells us ,as the readers, that people always have to be "updated" and that the style of hair or "coolness" changes from day to day. The girls follows this "trend" i think because they lack their own style and the feed is controlling them. Telling them what is "hip" and what isn't. For example if i was wearing pumas and the feed was like "THE NEWEST STYLE IS NIKE!" then i would be like "Omg i need those or else i wouldn't be cool" which i think is extremely dumb and makes no sense. -___-
This sentence sets up the novel by telling the readers that the technology in "their" time is way more advance. It seems like the characters in the novel been to the moon many times and it just sucks for them now. For example on page 4, "the moon was just like it always is, after your first few times there" Did you happen to see the "first few times" part in that sentence. THEY BEEN THERE MORE THAN ONCE! If it was me i wouldn't say that i would be like, "HOLY S WORD IM GOING TO THE GOD DIZZAMN MOON!!!!!" Like forreal who doesn't want to be on the moon? I always wanted to put my footprint next to that one american guy's.Was it Lance? Neil Armstrong? But that's not the point the point is the moon is a place that people should be happy to go and not be like "man the moon is null unit.....gosh im sooo null let's go to Mars."Another good example said in the book is also again on page 4, "there's just the rockiness, and the suckiness, and the craters all being full of old broken shit" So this kinda reminds of a dumpster? So im guessing it was a good place until someone broke all their "shit" , made it ugly and a place where craters are filled with broken shits.
What technological innovations/futurtistic technology examples are present in this story?
Some futuristic techology they have in the book are the "FEED",Flying Cars, and Staff made of crystalline substance. Lets first start this off by talking about the "feed", like seriously who wants a chip implanted in their skull. That seem like it really effin hurts a whole damn lot. The "feed" is basically internet in your head with no firewall to block those adds. If the feed did exsist then earth would be a horrible place to live. People can't even READ OR WRITE! I would rather read and write instead of having a chip in my head, even though I hate them both. Now onto the flying cars. I think flying cars would really be awesome because there would be less traffic jam, but you know everything good has something bad with it. What if you were in the flying car and you ran out of gas???? would you go crashing down. LIKE THAT FAT KID! WATCH THE VID. Ok now onto the staff made of crystalline substance. I have nothing much to talk about this one because i think its just retarded and it makes no sense at all to not have regular human to work instead of those whatever you call it.
The girls have to change their hair frequently because the style change.
What does this statment tell us about trends in the novel?
This tells us ,as the readers, that people always have to be "updated" and that the style of hair or "coolness" changes from day to day. The girls follows this "trend" i think because they lack their own style and the feed is controlling them. Telling them what is "hip" and what isn't. For example if i was wearing pumas and the feed was like "THE NEWEST STYLE IS NIKE!" then i would be like "Omg i need those or else i wouldn't be cool" which i think is extremely dumb and makes no sense. -___-
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
the title explains it all xD
well anyways i got nothing to do so i just wanted to post something up
before i go to take a nap and after read FEED or to me FEED ME BEATS.
gosh im bored, soooooo much homework to do damn it.
lets talk about school TODAY!!
well today was pretty fun, believe it or not.
i was freaking cold man.......not a good day to wear a jersey.
I clearly found out the hard way, but i guess it was ok
so anyways Mrs.webber said we are going to order some chinese food
next week muahhahahah. You by now are wondering SHIT why dont i get chinese
thats cause your a ugly loster xD i dont say lose cause your lost in this reading so your a loster
get it? i dont so i dont expect you.
Anyways you guys should check out this breakbeat (songs for a breakdancer) its really good
its called You Know I'm No Good (Skeewiff Remix) by Amy Winehouse
This beat is fucking dope!!!!!! well imma go now since i got shit-all to do xD
well anyways i got nothing to do so i just wanted to post something up
before i go to take a nap and after read FEED or to me FEED ME BEATS.
gosh im bored, soooooo much homework to do damn it.
lets talk about school TODAY!!
well today was pretty fun, believe it or not.
i was freaking cold man.......not a good day to wear a jersey.
I clearly found out the hard way, but i guess it was ok
so anyways Mrs.webber said we are going to order some chinese food
next week muahhahahah. You by now are wondering SHIT why dont i get chinese
thats cause your a ugly loster xD i dont say lose cause your lost in this reading so your a loster
get it? i dont so i dont expect you.
Anyways you guys should check out this breakbeat (songs for a breakdancer) its really good
its called You Know I'm No Good (Skeewiff Remix) by Amy Winehouse
This beat is fucking dope!!!!!! well imma go now since i got shit-all to do xD
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Today was sooo effing boring.
Woke up around 8-ish for no reason at all.
I should of slept till alter.
Anyways, i was listening to music and on youtube for a while then
my tutor came at 12:45? maybe....then i had to do my little session with him till 1:45.
It was fun i guess i learned about word problems. Easy enough right?
and then after that i just sat my butt here using the net.
i have no life *sigh*. I think i should use this time to dance.
Oh yea i effing sore. -___-
Woke up around 8-ish for no reason at all.
I should of slept till alter.
Anyways, i was listening to music and on youtube for a while then
my tutor came at 12:45? maybe....then i had to do my little session with him till 1:45.
It was fun i guess i learned about word problems. Easy enough right?
and then after that i just sat my butt here using the net.
i have no life *sigh*. I think i should use this time to dance.
Oh yea i effing sore. -___-
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